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Akinscogist Full Stats

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1. 5,000 Visitors Monthly.
2. Over 4,200 Pageviews [Average Monthly].
3. Visitors from Over 158 Countries.
4. Most Visit from Nigeria, UK, United State of America, Ghana.
5. Over 5000 Visits Montly
6. Average of 15 Minutes spent online per visitors
7. 350,000+ Facebook Fans
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10. 3000 Thousand+ Email & Phone Number Subscribers
11. Average of 60 Comments on any Post on Akinscogist

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If you are thinking of promoting your site, goods and product, this is the right place to advert them and reach thousands of people throughout Nigeria and the world. If You are an upcoming musician you can promote your music in 9jabaze. As u cn see we have thousands of visitors daily.
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