

Hack Proofing Your Web Server

Hack Proofing Your Web Server

By: Akinsco

Most people think firewalls are all they need to secure their IT investment. Firewalls are very
important, but they are just one piece of the overall security picture. Even with perfect
installation, configuration, and maintenance, firewalls still must allow access to your public web
servers. Hackers know how to use this permitted access to gain the foot hold they need to gain
access to your network. The kind of access a web server can give them is nothing short of
complete administrative control.So when your organization decides to host a web server, you
should understand that the server is fully exposed to attack, even if it is behind a top notch
firewall. The most critical step towards protecting your public servers from attack is to harden
the servers and turn them into bastion hosts.

So what is a bastion host? A bastion host is a server that is configured very differently from
typical servers. Typical servers run hundreds of services and programs that are not needed.
Most of those services and programs are vulnerable to attack. The premise for building a
bastion host is that the server can be divided so that each of its partitions ful fills a specific role.
Once that role is understood—web server, mailserver, middleware server, etc.—the partition
can be secured to serve only that role. All the unnecessary services, executables, protocols,
programs, and network ports can then be disabled or removed.

------ If your web server is running on a default installation, you either are going to be 
hacked, or you are currently hacked----

Building a bastion host is not easy. If the server you are trying to harden is running on
Windows NT, or Windows 2000, you have an especially tough road ahead. Win2k and NT are
very difficult to harden, but they, especially, must be hardened since more than with Linux or
UNIX, the default installation turns everything on. Your job is to turn almost all of it off. Do you
really want web server based printing running? Or web based password administration? Of
course not, yet the default installation for Windows NT and Windows 2000 turns these functions
on, as well as a couple hundred other dangerous configurations as well. This is why the Internet
world lost almost a billion dollars to Code Red and Nimda last year. If your Microsoft server was
properly hardened, you would not have been affected by either Code Red or Nimda, even if you
had neglected to install Microsoft’s security patches. Microsoft security patches are great, and
all administrators should religiously keep up with them, but only server hardening will protect
you from future outbreaks. What to turnoff and what to remove is the trick.

At Polar Cove we have our own system for hardening servers, and our own standard. Our
standard exceeds those of the National Security Agency and the F.B.I. The NSA standards are
excellent, and very high, but we have found that more could be done, and so we protect or
harden an additional 63 settings. It is important to have a standard in mind; otherwise you will
have difficulty measuring your results. As it is with any security plan, it is important to prove,
via some sort of measurement and standard, that you did, in fact, accomplish the security you

                Why Harden Public servers?

(1) It reduces the likelihood of successful intrusions or attacks.
If you harden to NSA, or other strict standards, you protect your self from prosecution or
regulatory sanction by demonstrating compliance with an accepted prudent due care security
(2) It verifies secure configuration of your systems prior to network deployment, and prior to
exposure to attack.
(3) You can demonstrate to management that your system security measures up against high
security benchmarks and standards.
(4) You will be able to require your business partners to comply with a high security standard.

Using these three steps, securing, alerting and auditing, together can increase the level of
security of your company’s most valuable asset: its data.



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