

Ikale celebrates Iwo festival

all over the world are set to travel to their various communities to celebrate this year’s Iwo festival this week. The festival is marked every year in July or August.
Ikale is the name of a linguistic group in Yorubaland. It is geographically contiguous with the Ikale District of the former Okitipupa Division of Ondo Province. It is bounded in the North by Ondo and on the South by Mahinland. On the East and West, Ikale has, as its neighbours, Benin and Ijebu.

The essence of the festival, according to its priest (Ologengba), is to worship the goddess of water (Oluweri) and unseen forces called ‘Eminale’. The festival is also observed to cleanse the land of iniquities that can engender sickness, famine, death and other evil occurrences.

Iwo festival is mostly celebrated in three kingdoms-Ikoya, Ayeka and Osooro. Osooro is the largest kingdom in Ikale and comprises these communities – Ilutitun, Iju-Odo, Iju-Oke, Igbotako, Omotosho, Akinfosile and others.


or Eminale festival is exclusively men’s affair as women are forbidden from participating in or seeing it. Participation by men is, in fact, a mark of being accepted into adulthood, an attestation to manhood.

A few days to the festival, the priests are expected to maintain a high level of sexual discipline or to say the least observe abstinence.

During the festival, every mature man is at liberty to use any power he possesses. Though it must rain on the day, yet, you are immuned from Thunder attack and Ayelala, a goddess that performs socio-judicial function in Ikaleland. The ‘powerfuls’ – the people with fetish power have only the day to exhibit their worth without any molestation or restraint.

When this festival is on, no visitor is allowed to participate or come into those communities involved as calamities could be immediately invoked on the person; so, by this report, every stranger, visitor, tourist and others are advised to steer clear of these communities, as the festival lasts.


is held in esteem all over Ikale. This is because – when you go there to participate and you offer sacrifice to the goddess with clean heart, you are sure of getting your desire. But some Ikale shun this festival because as a mature man, even if you are at 60, and you do not possess what it takes to deflect any arrow or attack, you are not advised to come out, as many people wait for that day to take vengeance for any offence earlier committed against them.


festival will be observed tomorrow in Ikoya and on Friday in Osooro. During this period, everyone is forbidden from using mirror, wearing slippers, touching yam leaves and others as may be announced by its priests ‘Ologengba’.

One thing that may baffle a first caller during this festival is that all rivers in the area will announce their presence and demonstrate various powers beyond human comprehension and give warnings if needed to the people. Some may even visit and ask the king to warn his subjects from coming to it for fishing and offer reasons for it.

Recently, the festival has come under bashing by the Anglican Communion. The Bishop, Diocese on the Coast, Rt. Rev. Ebun Ogunele, has taken the communities involved to court for not allowing them to observe their worship during the period. This almost crippled Anglican Communion and many people sanctioned the church for ever taking the move, which was tagged uncivilized, as even the civilized world observed it.

In a telephone chat with the Rebuja-in-Council, High Chief Gabriel Egbayelo, The Petu of Osooro said: ‘’the reason for this festival ‘Iwo’ is understandable and justifiable. We celebrate this to honour our spiritual neighbours, - rivers, as you can see every town in Ikale is surrounded by water, hence the need to honour them for their support. Any time our peace is threatened, we always run to them and they have never disappointed us."

The festival will be declared open on Friday in Osooro by His Royal Majesty Oba Gbadebo Bajowa, The Rebuja of Osooroland, High Chief Festus Olumoyegun – The Lisa of Osooro, High Chief Gabriel Egbayelo – The Petu of Osooro and High Chief Sehindemi Oguntoye-The Ojomu of Osooro and head of Ijama society with the Ologengbas.

As Ikale celebrate Iwo festival again, we jointly say Oluwerimagbojo agbe wa o.



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