

Woodland of a Thousand Daemons a h u n t e r " s a g a Chapter one

The creator meets akara-ogun

My companions all, similar to the vibrant maxim do we

drum the agidigbo; the astute move to it, and

the realized who comprehend its dialect. The story

which takes after is a veritable agidigbo; it is I who will

drum it, and you the astute heads who will decipher it.

Our older folks have a most loved saying—are you not biting the dust

to ask me how it goes?— they let it know in this way, 'When

our disguise moves well, our heads swell and do a

turn.' Pardon my imposition, it is the maxim which

talks. Presently I don't need you to move to my drumming

as a mosquito to the profound bembe drums, its legs

jerking erratically, at loggerheads with the drums.

Move my companions, in amicability, with bliss and chuckling,

that your gathering of people may ring your foreheads with coins

what's more, clear your way with attire; that men may prostrate

before you and ladies curtsey in sheer joy

at your moving. In any case, for a begin, in the event that you need this move

to be a win, here are two things I should demand of

you. Firstly, at whatever point a character in my story talks

in his own particular individual, you should place yourselves in his place

also, talk as though you are that very man. Furthermore, when the

different answers, you should relate the story to yourselves

as though you, taking a seat, had been tended to and now

react to the main speaker.

Moreover, as men of perceiving—and this is the

second undertaking you should perform—you will yourselves

separate different wisdoms from the story as you take after

its encouraging.

All things considered, I would prefer not to say a lot toward the begin

for fear that I turn into a garrulous trick, one who betrays the


unmistakably bursted way and skirts the real issue. I will

Or maybe now take up my drum and set to it, and I ask

you to conform your agbada, hurl its sleeve legitimately over

your shoulder, set yourselves up for moving, that the

issue may dovetail perfectly in the soul of the platitude, 'I

can move and you can drum; this is the meeting of two

grubs.' That, pardon me, is a saying of our senior citizens.

Everything started one lovely morning; an unmistakable sunrise

it was, the harmattan fog had withdrawn home,

the animals of the woods were still sleeping, those of

the patio were encouraging on the day's fortune and

feathered creatures were singing commendations of their Producer. A rapturous

breeze stirred the dull leaves of the woods, profound dim

what's more, shining leaves, the sun ascended from the East in

God's own particular magnificence, spread its light into the world

what's more, the children of men started their every day perambulations.

Concerning me I sat in my most loved seat, sunk into it with

curvaceous happiness, making the most of my exceptionally presence.

Not long after I was situated an old man came up to

me and welcomed me. I returned him affability for politeness.

Watching what had all the earmarks of being a longing to sit tight

I offered him a seat and swung it to face me. Once

situated, we started to trade merriments and share

jokes like old colleagues. In any case, it was not long

after when I heard the man moan profoundly as one whose

psyche was grieved by a substantial thought. Indeed, even as I started

to consider asking him the cause, he started himself

to talk along these lines:

'Take up your pen and paper and record the

story which I will now tell. Try not to defer it till another

day for fear that the advantage of it ignore you. I would not

myself have come to you today, however I am concerned

about the future and there is this dread I may bite the dust

out of the blue and my story bite the dust with me. However, in the event that I pass it

on to you now and you bring everything down persistently, even


at the point when the day comes that I should meet my Producer, the

world won't overlook me.'

When he had talked accordingly I rushed to get my

composing things, conveyed them over to my table, settled

myself in solace, and let the more abnormal realize that I was

presently arranged for his story. Furthermore, he started in the words

that take after to recount to me the narrative of his life—

My name is Akara-ogun, Compound-of-Spells,

one of the considerable seekers of a past age. My own

father was a seeker, he was additionally an extraordinary one for solutions

also, spells. He had a thousand powder gourdlets,

eight hundred ato, and his special necklaces numbered six

hundred. Two hundred and sixty incubi lived in that

house and the feathered creatures of divination were without number.

It was the spirits who watched the house when he

was away, and nobody challenged go into that house when my

father was truant—it was incomprehensible. In any case, profound as he

was in the craft of the powerful, he was no match for

my mom, for she was a profound prepared witch from the

cauldrons of hellfire.

Once my dad had nine youngsters, of whom I was

the eldest; four spouses and my mom was the most senior

of them. She had four kids, the spouse who was

alongside her had three, the following two and the fourth had

none by any stretch of the imagination. One day my mom and another of these

spouses had a fight and took the case to my dad for

settlement. He discovered my mom at blame and this so

enraged her that she set out to get revenge for

the slight. She turned out to be so heartless in her witching, that,

prior to the year was out, eight of my dad's kids

were dead and three of his spouses had gone the same

way. Along these lines was I cleared out the main youngster and my mom the

just spouse.

Look on me, old buddy, and in the event that you are not yet wedded

I entreat you to consider the matter well some time recently

'My name is Akara-Ogun, Compound-of-Spells.'


you do. Genuine, your better half should be delightful for fear that you

feel burnt out on each other rapidly; and an absence of brains is not to

be prescribed since you should needs hold speak

with each other, however this is not the heart of the matter.

The vital essential is that your significant other ought not be

inclined to abhorrent, for it is your better half who gives you meat and

gives you drink and is conceded most to your insider facts.

God has made them such close animals that there

barely exists any way in which they can't come at

a man; and when I let you know what my dad endured at

the hands of this spouse of his, you will be really unnerved.

It happened one day that my dad set himself up

what's more, embarked to chase. After he had chased a long

while, he felt to some degree tired and sat on a tree stump to

rest. He was not since quite a while ago situated when, occurrence to look

up, he saw the ground before him start to part and

smoke pour upwards from the lease. In a minute the

smoke had filled the whole range where my dad sat so

thickly that he couldn't see a thing; about him had

turned invulnerably dark. Indeed, even as he started to look for a

method for escape he watched that the smoke had started

to combine in one spot and, before he could so

much as flicker, it melded totally and a stocky being

risen sword close by and came towards my dad.

My dad took to his heels immediately yet the man called

on him to stop and started to address him therefore:

'Will you not see that I am not of humankind?

I arrived even today from the vault of the sky and

it was for you that I am come here, my motivation

being to execute you. Run where you will this day; kill

you I most unflinchingly will.'

When he had talked in this manner, my dad was really

anxious yet even so he steeled his heart like a man and

said, 'Genuinely, as I watch you, I know you are not of this

world, and I see additionally that the sword in your grasp spells


mortal risk for me. By the by, I entreat you, and

I charge you for the sake of the everlasting God, don't

neglect to let me know the way of my offense.'

The man answered to him, saying, 'Do you not know

that you have deplorably insulted your Producer? That

you have destroyed his craftsmanship even to this degree, that

you sent eleven souls to paradise when it was not yet the

hour apportioned them by their God?'

These expressions of his were an extraordinary amazement to

my dad, for while it was genuine that he was knowledgeable

in enchantment and charms, he did nobody any detestable. So he

answered to him, 'If this is without a doubt your protest then

your central goal is to an alternate man; it absolutely is not I.

Since the day I was conceived I have never hurt anybody:

I don't see a man continuing on ahead and take

offense at his presence; I don't see a rich man and

experience the ill effects of envy. When I see a man at his supper

I proceed all alone way. I have never dispensed

wounds on any man, I have not shot a man down in my

life, so in what capacity would you be able to assert my life, and for a wrongdoing of

which I am guiltless!'

He sat tight for my dad to complete his discourse and

at that point he answered, 'Genuine, you have not with your own

hand executed anybody, however you have been in charge of

the torment of poor innocents. With your eyes wide

open to what you did you wedded a profound colored witch

for the insignificant magnificence of her body—is that a demonstration of goodness?

Does the blood of your numerous spouses not get out

to you? Does the wrongdoing against your eight kids not

hang round your neck? Also, notwithstanding the majority of this, do you

have the irritate to let me know that you have never been liable

of wickedness? Without a doubt there is no cure; execute you I should.'

At exactly that point did my dad bring to mind the sort of

lady he had taken to spouse, thus he answered to him,

'Genuinely I see now that I have trespassed. I have a spouse whom


I can't control, I strut like a spouse simply in name.

What I ought to have done I have left fixed, the way I

ought to have trodden I have dismissed, the animal who

demand to kick the bucket at my hand I have reveled with commendations.

Ok, stranger from the vault of paradise, pardon me.'

When he heard this, the man excused my dad

what's more, ceased from slaughtering him, however he cautioned him that

he should, the minute he returned home, put my mom

to death. So saying, he transformed into the timberland and

proceeded with his voyages that way.

When he had gone my dad took up his weapon

also, returned home. What's more, it so happened that the way

he took drove him past a field of okro while in transit to the

town. It was night when he came there, the moon

was at that point up, and, coming up to the field he looked

over to the opposite side and watched somebody drawing closer

from that heading. Rapidly he ascended a tree,

holding up to see what this individual



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