WAASCE 2015 Integrated Science
Q2(a)(i) Mention 3 differences between Livestock A (Goat) and Livestock B (Sheep)
Check the answer a Akpos gave:
- The goat when you use it for soup it taste waaaaooow but the sheep when u use it for soup it does not taste waaaaow.
- Goats give soup perfume expecially the boy goat but sheep don’t give soup perfume.
- A goat can cross a road wisely but the sheep is very foolish and walks slowly on the road.
- A goat has a sharp brake but a sheep don’t have sharp brake.
- Goat head is smelling but sheep head is not smelling.
- Goat is on left side of God but sheep is on right side of God.
- Goat is stubborn but sheep is humble.
- Goat can jump and turn 360° but sheep cannot jump and turn 360°.
9) The goat cries pobebe pobe but sheep cries berh berh.
- See more at: http://funnyakposjokes.com/akpos-joke-integrated-science-exam/#sthash.2ZDzuRaN.dpuf