

She is ready to make babies —Kehinde Oshadipe

                                                                   Kemi Lanre-Aremu

  • Background

I was born and brought up in Lagos.  Even though I was not born to wealthy parents, I come from a loving and peaceful family.

  • Education

My twin and I attended Coker Memorial Primary School and Lagos African Church Grammar School. Both schools are located at College Road, Ogba. We studied English Language and Literature at the University of Lagos.

  • Music

We started singing in church even though our parents were not regular churchgoers. We used to accompany our neighbours to church. Gradually, we fell in love with the arts and we loved to sing, dance and act. Afterwards, my late twin sister, Taiwo and I met the late Evangelist Sonny Okosun, through his niece, who was our classmate in secondary school. As young as we were then, he took us to Ivory Music, and convinced them to give us a record deal. We released our first album which was titled Jesus Came to Africa, in 1999 and our second album, The Child of I Am, was released in 2002.

  • Challenges

It is normal for everyone to face challenges.  One of the challenges we faced was that we were in junior secondary school when we started singing and there were times when our career clashed with our classes. Our parents were quite confused because they saw the rate at which our career was growing at that time and they wanted us to be focused on our education. They did not know whether to support our career or make us face concentrate on schooling. At some point, they realised that even though our interest in music was genuine, we were not going to allow it come between us and schooling.

  • Acting

Our first acting job was Wale Adenuga’s Super Story. It was a series titled Sister Sister.  It was an interesting experience, even though we did not want to take up the offer because we did not want to dabble in acting.  We got offers to feature in other productions but we turned them down because most of the roles did not align with our image as gospel artistes.

  • Record label

I think we exited Ivory Music  in 2004. Because we were young stars, the music label did not take us serious. Even after we did the first album and it became a hit, they found it difficult to treat us like other artistes. We did not even have a proper contract.   Looking back at all that happened,  I can say we were exploited because we did not know the music business.  We released two albums on that label and till date, we got next-to-nothing for our efforts.  At the moment, I am not affiliated to any record label because of my previous experience. I want to float my own label as soon as I have the resources to do so. The brand has come of age and I think it is time for me to own a record label. There are so many brands out there that are not as old as the Oshadipe Twins, but they are doing very well.

  • Losing Taiwo

Losing my twin sister, two years ago, remains the lowest point of my life. That I survived the experience is still a mystery. We were together right from the womb and to have her suddenly snatched away is the most hurtful aspect of my life.  I am coping with the loss but I can never get over her death.  We were very close and did everything together. Having to forge ahead with my life and career without her love, care and guidance, is a heart-wrenching experience. Every day, I wish she never died. I am thankful to God that she left me a piece of her. Caring for her young son, soothes the pain I feel and calms my spirit. I miss everything about her.

  • NGO

I inaugurated a non-profit organisation called Oshadipe Twins Initiative. It is no longer news that Taiwo, suffered cardiopulmonary failure and the NGO, has been educating people about the condition. We have a lot of notable Nigerians including Yinka Ayefele, and the specialist who treated my late sister, on the board of the NGO.

  • Project

After her demise, I did a tribute song titled, My Reflection, which was produced by Wole Oni. I am working on a new single that will be released soon. After Taiwo passed away, I took a break from music. This was to allow me mourn her passage and also get myself together. It has not been easy but I thank God that gradually, I am planning my return to music. I plan to continue to use the name Oshadipe Twins. Even though Taiwo is no longer with us, it will be a disservice to her memory if I drop the name. I don’t see her death affecting my music career because everywhere I go, I carry her in my heart.

  • Marriage

One of the reasons why I have yet to marry is my career. Being a female artiste is tough and it always has an effect on one’s love life. It takes only someone who really loves you to support your career. People have a lot of negative impressions about artistes. I am no longer young and as soon as the man is ready, I am also ready. I have reached a point in my life when I want to have a home and make babies.

  • Leisure

I like to spend time with Taiwo’s son who is now my son. I watch cartoons with him when I am not performing or recording at the studio. Apart from that, I like to hang out with my friends and parents especially. I visit my parents almost every day because it is therapeutic for them and me as well. Ever since Taiwo died, they have become very  protective of me.

  • Fashion

I like to be comfortable, simple and classy. I love to play with colours because it helps me  to stand out. A lot of times, I dress according to my mood.



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