

Woodland of a Thousand Daemons a h u n t e r " s a g a Chapter Two

To start with stay of akara-ogun

in the woodland of

a thousand daemons

The encounters which my dad experienced demonstrated

to be nothing contrasted and mine. What's more, when I go

over everything in my psyche, I am alarmed to ponder

the instance of the individuals who are more established, in light of the fact that if an old man

started to relate all that had assail him on the way to

the hoar on his head, numerous young fellows would appeal to God for

an early demise.

When I was ten I had started to go with

my dad on his chases and at fifteen I had my

possess firearm. I was a quarter century my dad passed on, and,

on his demise, both the cash he claimed and the forces

he had, all framed my legacy from him. Indeed

before he kicked the bucket I had murdered my first elephant, bison

had fallen at my hand, there were couple of creatures truth be told

which my firearm had not yet gulped.

About the third month of my twenty-6th year I

grabbed my firearm one evening and set out toward Irunmale,

the Woodland of a Thousand Daemons. A colossal woods is

Irunmale, an entire six hours from our town. The street to

it is the same as that prompting Mount Langbodo, and

that same street prompts the arch of paradise. There is

no type of creature missing in this woods we talk about;

it is the home of each horrible mammoth on earth, and the

staying of each sort of feathered oddity. Ok, a most

fiendish woods is the timberland of a thousand daemons; it is the

exceptionally home ghommids.

It was a long while before I landed at my


goal; night was falling, you could scarcely make

out the lines on your palm. I was somewhat drained on entry

also, couldn't light my light for some night chasing.

I made a fire in the empty of a specific tree, took

out a yam from my chasing pack and started to meal it.

After this I got together some fallen leaves and made

a bed of them. My cushion served for a chasing pack. I

prepared my firearm soundly and set it by my head.

That task finished, I extended on my back and

went off to rest.

I had not dozed long when I stirred, and

without a doubt it was the cries of ghommids coming to exchange

at the night advertise that woke me. For while it is valid

that they develop both day and night from this woods,

however it is just around evening time that they lead their business,

furthermore, it is during the evening likewise that they present all petitions

to their ruler who is known as Olori-igbo, Master

of the Woodlands. With pity for myself do I let you know now

that that very tree underneath which I had chosen to

fabricate my fire was the residence their lord. Indeed, even up till

the minute when I went off to rest I had speculated

nothing of this, and it was just when I woke up and

heard the business cries of the ghommids that I was stricken

with dread, and, rapidly grabbing my firearm and securing

it over my shoulders, I hung my pack around my

neck, grasped a creeper and moved into the

tree, small envisioning that it was the leader of the lord

of ghommids himself on which I now wore.

Hence it was that I continued to compound an already painful situation;

that I had stayed outdoors at his feet was insufficient, I needed to

climb the leader of the unoffending man.

Some time passed by after I had moved to the inaccessible

treetops, and after that the court respectability started to arrive.

An immense fire jumped up from some quarter and the

whole encompass of the tree was lit up brilliantly. As the


ghommids arrived they sat round the tree; they were

the greater part of an incredible assortment, similar to the apparel of alagemo—a few

strolled on their heads, others bounced frogwise, one

had neither arms nor legs; his appearance resembled a

rubbery tub. Lastly came the ruler's messenger and he

started his summons therefore:

'Ruler of Woodlands! Ruler of Backwoods! you are the

dealer ruler of ghommids; I say you are the shipper

ruler of ghommids; there is no broker to level with

you. The arm of the mankind goes with the

beat yam when you eat, their beefy bosom gives

the meat for your eba; when you drink corn pap,

their skull serves you for a glass—what, I ask, can a child

of man do to you? Backwoods Master! Have you of late taken

to strolling on your head? I say have you now taken to

strolling on your head? For your eyes are currently where

your bum ought to spit, ashes. Backwoods Pioneer,

it is safe to say that you are feeling tired? For why else have you not yet

risen? We are all gathered and still anticipate you.'

When he was done, the Woods Master himself raised

his voice in an enormous cry. His voice completely incorporated

the woods, the brutes of the backwoods were quieted,

dozing winged animals were aroused in their homes, angles fled

to the profundities of the sea, and every one of the leaves in the woods

bowed in worship. Not one thing grated against

the other, the lips of the woods were fixed peacefully.

The voice cried, E-e-e-e-e . . . eh! E-e-e-e-e . . . eh!

That fire at my feet is the craftsmanship of man. Your Timberland

Master can't turn out today, do you not see that

dumbbelly question dangling from my neck?'

When he had talked in this manner, they all gazed upward and

saw me. An ah, the move inclined moved, the delight filled

celebrated, they started to tally their chickens for they

anticipated executing and devouring me. Indeed

as they arranged how best to cull me down, I


recollected a proper spell, egbe, the rarifier.

Rapidly, I summoned its forces and immediately I got myself

back in my own particular room, grabbed thither by egbe.

When I had rested for a spell and recaptured my poise,

when I saw that I was genuinely back in my own

room, I felt embarrassed and said to myself, 'Is this not

in fact matter for disgrace? I call myself a seeker, yet on

my first excursion after my dad's passing I am constrained

to escape home in this way! I who influence the name of

seeker! No! Sooner passing than this disfavor. I might

come back to that backwoods—is not my name Compound-of-

Spells? The witch who tries to eat up me will discover

her teeth all dropping off, the magician who sets out to

look at me without flinching will give the following supper to my

firearm, any ghommid who needs to test the perception of

my sword will lose a turn in the experience. The hand

which takes sustenance to the mouth dependably returns. The

Ruler of Paradise will without a doubt see me return home securely!'

So saying, I rehashed my chants and charged

egbe to return me, yet as opposed to landing me on

that previous tree, I got myself finish with weapon on

a palm tree, punctured by a hundred spikes. Also, as though

that was insufficient it started to rain; it beat down on

me so vigorously that I was well near hard of hearing and it didn't

stop until close sunrise. When it was at last spent I

descended from the tree, safeguarded my matches from

where I had shielded them from the rain, made a fire

at the base of the palm, removed my upper attire and

spread it close to the fire to dry. After a short time it dried, so

I removed my trousers additionally and dried them. After this,

I took out a little yam, broiled and ate it. Whenever that

dinner was done I put my pipe in my mouth and

lit it; the smoke fanned out easily—I was a much

mollified man.

As I sat puffing at my pipe and having fun, I


heard a voice brought up in noisy protesting near a walnut

tree some separation away. I brought my head up in that

heading and saw an enormous swarthy man who kept up

a surge of groaning: 'These stink-bugs are grinding away

once more, they basically won't give a man some rest.' I did

not really as give him a second look, I simply heightened

my smoking. I had remembered him, he was

a walnut troll and it was my tobacco which gave him

such offense—ghommids don't take at all generously to

unpalatable odors. When I saw that he held on in his

protesting, I turned toward him and continued to

smoke him out; this lone made him more angry and

he turned out to be truly damaging:

'Fathead, stinking carcass, when you wake you

try not to wash, when you discharge you don't spotless your

rear-end, each pore in the body overflows some odor, the whole

spine is hardened with earth.'

When I heard this I became irate thusly, I confronted

him soundly and said:

'What's more, do you have the nerve to criticize anybody in

this world! You residue messy animal, you dead and

bloated amphibian, on the off chance that you don't keep an eye out where you stand

I'll blast fire-tracks through your skull right now.'

When he heard this he said not another word; he

just walked out on me, murmuring disdainfully

as he left.

It surprised me that substantial as the deluge was

amid the night, the sun turned out completely in the morning

what's more, shone all through the whole day. As it developed

close to the hour for a morning nibble, I grabbed my

weapon, carried my chasing sack and followed diversion.

I strolled for quite a while without packing anything; I did

not see any diversion by any stretch of the imagination, just heard the voices of

winged animals. It turned out basically that I had not yet touched base at

the genuine frequent of the creatures. Some time later I came


there; my heart jumped when I saw these animals disporting

themselves and I sat and prepared my firearm. Subsequently

I climbed, cut a branch and stuck it in my mouth

for disguise and covered up by the bole of a tree, holding up.

Exactly when I had a decent opportunity to

make a slaughter a particular being showed up, scarcely taller

than my midriff. He had a little tangle under his arm and

cried so anyone might hear. As he howled tears tumbled from his eyes, his

nostrils dribbled bodily fluid and his languishments drove the

creatures away. At first I trusted his fuss would soon

stop however he hinted at no halting. He would

sob for some time, then let out a gigantic cry what not

the creatures would take to their heels. Before long I

couldn't bear it any more, I turned out and confronted him

specifically, saying in awesome outrage, 'What a spoiled race you

ghommids are, you who dribble perpetually from the nostrils!

Exactly what decisively is the reason for your disaster?

What in any case does a thing like you need with a tangle?

On the off chance that you don't close your mouth right now I'll shoot you

where you stand.'

He heard me to the end, then took a gander at me as though I

mattered less to him than a bit of tidy. He peered toward me

selfishly for some time and after that said, 



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