

Woodland of a Thousand Daemons a h u n t e r " s a g a Chapter Three

I staggered here and

there, fell, and settled on all fours. I was in this position

at the point when my eyes went visually impaired and I felt hands start to

touch me: it was an extremely chilly touch. Before long these

individuals started to move round me, applauding

over my head; I heard their strides unmistakably, as

the strides of a hundred people.

They didn't sit tight

doing this for much sooner than they seized me and started

to hurl me up, catch and hurl me up once more. Not

long a short time later they set my feet to the ground and started

to disrobe me and place distinctive apparel on me,

snickering at the same time. At that point one rubbed his hand over

my face and I recaptured my sight, yet when I looked

round I saw nobody; I ended up on a huge seat,

my size was colossal and I was secured in quills.

I had developed in size, yet my whole body was not consistently

expanded; my arms had not changed, my legs

had neither stretched nor thickened, yet my midsection

was twelve times widened and my head sixteen times

its typical size. My neck was not much thicker but rather was


extended past creative energy. I was exceedingly diverted

when I viewed myself, and there was no decision yet to

sit discreetly. I didn't ascend for dread that my legs would

not bolster my stomach, for even as I sat my head got to be

an overwhelming weight on my neck; there was just no

quality to the neck.

Some time passed by and I started to feel hungry.

Indeed, even as I started to consider how I may discover a few

route to a little sustenance, I found before me two bundles of

eko and meat stew. I attempted to edge nearer to begin my

feast yet I soon found that my stomach allowed

no way to deal with the nourishment; it had taken up the whole

room. As I moved towards this nourishment, I

was dumbfounded to see it come towards me, and soon

enough it settled where my hand could achieve it. I took

a piece and went with it mouthwards however, too bad, I

discovered at exactly that point that my hand no more came up to

my mouth. My neck was too much prolonged, it more

taken after a heron's, and its bone was hard as shake so

that it couldn't be bowed. Any individual who needs a chuckle

ought to have come and seen me attempting to lead a few

sustenance into my mouth. At whatever point it needed little for

the piece to touch my lips the arm would achieve its

constrain, and when I attempted persuasively to push the piece to

its goal oil streamed down my hands and my neck

was brimming with sustenance pieces.

Tune in, my great companion, the spirit which does not eat

hot peppers is a frail soul; I cherish nourishment, I basically can't

persist hunger. Due to this I was known to numerous

individuals as 'Akara-ogun, the person who goes with the

cook to the grave'. This moniker of mine will give you

some thought how my deepest being hungered for this nourishment.

Indeed, even as I proceeded with the battle I saw a little level stick

adjacent, achieved cautiously for it, delved it into the eko and

started to pass on some sustenance to my mouth. The amount


lifted by the stick was far bigger than my mouth could

concede for my mouth had not expanded its previous size,

furthermore, when this tremendous chunk of eko landed simply inside my

lips it obstructed my mouth totally, and as I endeavored to eat

down within parcel in order to assault the outside, that

parcel fell far from my mouth. Indeed, even so did I vainly

battle, and I couldn't make the most of my feast.

From the minute I started this push to eat I had

heard voices giggling very near me, yet I didn't

see anybody. When I had put forth a valiant effort and eaten next

to nothing, I cried to them:

'You who giggle over yonder, I entreat you in the

name of God, in the event that it was you who transformed me into what

I am this minute, don't neglect to return me to what I

was some time recently. It was obliviousness which drove me to battle

with Agbako; never again will I endeavor such habit. On the off chance that I

hear news of Agbako's approach in future I will learn

to begin a fast exchange with my legs and slam my head

through woods. I engage you, compassionately discharge me.'

When I had talked in this way, they stayed noiseless.

Before long, my stomach started to withdraw, my head

decreased, my neck abbreviated and soon every part

come back to ordinary. From the minute I came back to

my ordinary shape I no more heard a sound from these

ghommids, however the house did not stop to act in

its unique way, and, at any rate, I didn't find a

way to get out. Some time passed towards dusk,

and afterward I saw a mass of the house split in two and

a wonderful lady came in with various youthful

ladies, a few of them and all more wonderful than

coral. I was stricken with dread at seeing them and

I tossed myself confront downwards on the floor. Be that as it may, the

lady came to me and said:

'Akara-ogun, you know that even as dewilds

exist on this planet, so do spirits exist likewise; even as


spirits exist so likewise do kobolds; as kobolds on this

earth, so are gnoms; as gnoms so additionally exist the dead.

These ghommids and trolls together make up the whole

thousand and one daemons who exist upon earth.

I am one of them, and Helpmeet is my name. I adore

the Ruler and he adores me likewise; he has never denied me

nothing, nor have I ever neglected to play out an errand on

which he has sent me. Thrice in one day I experience

the world to visit the companions of God and to help them

in every one of their attempts; whoever bears just a little love

to Him, I play out a little administration for him; and he who

cherishes my God with an extraordinary love I nurture in as awesome a

extent; whoever acts with concern towards Him

I treat with concern, and whoever treats Him with

affront even so do I act towards him; for whoever

sows well might collect goodness, and whoever sows

underhanded, abhorrent might come unto him. The honest should not

neglect to benefit great, the beguiling might pick up only

misdirection; regardless of the fact that it happened that the world turned

upside down, that fowls developed teeth and the oil palm

developed coconuts, God won't neglect to compensate each man

as per his deeds. So now, you Akara-ogun, rise

also, tail me, for you are a most imperative instrument

for your Maker.'

When she had completed, I climbed and took after her,

what's more, we rose up out of this house into a specific hedge

thus proceeded with our advance. We crossed valleys

what's more, navigated slopes; we crawled under creepers and

swam through marshes. Before long we touched base at a

intersection where she ceased and demonstrated to me a course,


'Go on now and pay consideration on the things you

should witness in this city; never fear and be not cowed

by dread, my name is Helpmeet, I will never forsake

you on this planet.'


After which, I set my head along that street, and

she additionally went her direction. I strolled a short time and arrived

at a specific city. From my entrance through the city

entryways until I touched base at the market square—this was

approximately ten minutes—I heard not a solitary voice even

in spite of the fact that I experienced numerous individuals, and when I called

out welcome to them they would simply mutter in

their noses nor did I comprehend single word they muttered.

When I landed at their market I remained by a certain

tree and started to watch.

What astonished me above all in this market was

that numerous kids were dead in it yet nobody made

any endeavor to cover them. Bodies littered the place

in colossal numbers, the whole market stank and

flies swarmed over it with a relentless buzz. I held up

a little and after that I saw a lady approach and welcome me.

This made me cheerful and I reacted avidly; I then

went ahead to advise her how astounding a matter I discovered it

that nobody talked at all among these market swarms,

that they ought to all just murmur, and despite the fact that I

had welcomed a number of them whom I experienced not

one of them condescended to react to my welcome.

When I had my say she took a gander at me and

developed troubled, saying:

'My name is Iwapele and the name of this city is

Rottenness. It is a position of misery and scorn, a city of

ravenousness and contumely, a city of envy and of burglary, a

city of battles and wrangles, a city of death and ailments—

a veritable city of miscreants. Quite a long time ago, the

individuals of this city perpetrated a most monstrous wrongdoing;

an exceptionally fiendish deed it was—evil to the point that the sun did not

sparkle for six whole months, nor did the moon develop

for three entire years; the rain fell no more and the

corn did not come to natural product, the yam did not grow and

plantains declined to mature; everything was in absolute



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