

Muhammadu Buhari takes over a nation in crisis

Muhammadi Buhari (File: AP)Abuja - Muhammadu Buhari takes over a nation in crisis with an Islamic uprising that has made 1.5 million people homeless and coffers emptied by massive corruption.

Similar crises confronted him when he ruled briefly as a military dictator in the 1980s. The 72-year-old says a similar prescription more judiciously imposed by a "born-again democrat" can heal the woes of Africa's biggest nation, economy and oil producer.
With the country so broke it's borrowing money to pay government workers, Buhari intends to retrieve ill-gotten gains to fund programs from education to job creation.
The first Nigerian to oust a sitting president at the polls has a wealth of international goodwill. At least 50 heads of state are expected at Friday's inauguration along with US Secretary of State John Kerry, looking to mend broken ties.



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